Chocolate Peanut Butter Yogurt Smoothie


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This warm weather we’ve been having means it’s time for me to share one of my favorite smoothie recipes! I love smoothies year-round, but they’re especially refreshing on a warm day. Chocolate and peanut butter are one of my favorite combinations, so why not put them in a smoothie? Read on to see what makes this smoothie taste so creamy and delicious!

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This smoothie is packed with fiber, protein, and healthy fat making it a filling snack or small meal.

Frozen banana

Freezing your banana is key to making this smoothie ice cold. I almost always end up with brown bananas on the counter, so I just peel them and stick them into a bag in the freezer so they are ready to go anytime I want to make a smoothie.

Plain Greek yogurt

Most flavored yogurts are packed with sugar, so I recommend using plain yogurt in smoothies because the banana provides plenty of sweetness. Feel free to use nonfat, low-fat, or whole milk yogurt depending on personal preference. I like using whole milk Greek yogurt (Chobani is my favorite!) as it is creamier and adds a little more substance to the smoothie; Greek yogurt also contains more protein than regular yogurt.

Natural peanut butter

Make sure your peanut butter doesn’t contain added sugar or oils. Or take it one step further and make your own!

Unsweetened cocoa powder

Did you know cocoa powder contains fiber? Just 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder provides you with 2 grams of fiber! Unsweetened cocoa powder is a great way to add a chocolatey flavor to your smoothie without adding any sugar.


Any milk will work! If you don’t or can’t drink dairy milk, try unsweetened oat, almond, or coconut milk.



I use a NutriBullet blender. I like being able to make a single serving of my smoothie rather than having to make a whole blender-full. It’s also easy to clean!


Chocolate Peanut Butter Yogurt Smoothie


  • 1 medium frozen banana
  • 1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 tbsp natural peanut butter
  • 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup milk of choice


  1. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy right away!
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Smoothies can be a nutritious meal or snack and are perfect to take on the go. Smoothies are very customizable as well, so it’s easy to find something you enjoy. If you’re looking for a chocolate-free smoothie, try one of my favorite green smoothie recipes!


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