Roasted Frozen Broccoli


Did you know that you can roast frozen broccoli? Roasting is one of my favorite ways to eat vegetables, especially broccoli. The great thing about frozen veggies is that no chopping is required! The texture is slightly different than roasted fresh broccoli, but it still tastes great, especially when cooked with a little oil and seasoning, such as dried herbs or garlic powder. Read on to learn how you can quickly and easily turn your bag of frozen broccoli into a delicious roasted side dish. 

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Health benefits of broccoli

Frozen vegetables are often thought of as less nutritious than fresh, but the opposite is actually true. Veggies are frozen when at their peak ripeness so they are packed with vitamins and minerals. Broccoli in particular is an excellent source of vitamins C and K, potassium, and folate. According to the USDA, 1 cup of frozen broccoli contains only 41 calories, but 4.68 grams of fiber and 4.38 grams of protein. Did you know broccoli contains protein? The high fiber and protein content of broccoli will help fill you up, meaning you can eat less of higher-calorie foods. Filling up on fiber-rich veggies can help you lose weight, lower cholesterol, and reduce blood sugar levels.


Buying frozen broccoli

Frozen broccoli is available at almost any grocery store. I like to buy it at Costco where they sell it in four 1-pound bags; it’s usually cheaper than the smaller bags at other grocery stores, so I’d recommend stocking up if you have extra space in your freezer. Be sure to read last week’s blog post so that you can make sure you’re getting the best deal when shopping for produce! You may find that fresh broccoli is cheaper than frozen, so stocking up on it and freezing your own can be a great way to save money.


Roasted Frozen Broccoli


  • 1 lb bag of frozen broccoli
  • Avocado oil
  • Seasoning of choice


  1. Place a small empty sheet pan in the oven, then set to preheat to 425 degrees Fahrenheit/220 degrees Celsius.
  2. In a medium-sized bowl, mix together frozen broccoli, avocado oil, and desired seasonings.
  3. Once the oven is preheated, remove the sheet pan and spread the broccoli evenly on the pan.
  4. Place the sheet pan back in the oven and roast the broccoli for about 25 minutes.
  5. Remove from the oven and enjoy right away!

Once you’ve roasted your frozen broccoli, it can be easily added as a side dish to any meal. It’s also great stored in the fridge, then heated up in the microwave if you have leftovers. I will often double the recipe above so I have broccoli to eat all week. Broccoli is not the only frozen vegetable that can be roasted so feel free to get creative and roast any of your favorite frozen vegetables. Roasting frozen veggies is a great way to quickly add vegetables to any meal!

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