Applesauce Chia Overnight Oats Recipe


Because I eat overnight oats almost every week, I thought I’d share another one of my favorite recipes with you today. One of the greatest things about overnight oats is that they are so customizable. Today’s recipe uses unsweetened applesauce and chia seeds. Read on to find out why this is an easy and healthy recipe that you should add to next week’s meal prep!



These overnight oats are made of only 7 simple ingredients:

  • Oats - use gluten-free if needed

  • Chia seeds - can be found in the bulk section of most grocery stores

  • Unsweetened applesauce - make this at home or buy it, just make sure there is no added sugar (the applesauce is sweet enough without extra sugar!)

  • Cinnamon - you could get creative and add nutmeg or other spices instead (or in addition to)

  • Vanilla - okay to leave out but I think it tastes better with it

  • Milk - choose any variety of dairy (I like 1% or 2% to add fat and make it more filling) or non-dairy milk (choose unsweetened varieties)

  • Natural nut butter or chopped nuts - peanut or almond butter are great, as well as chopped walnuts, pecans, or hazelnuts



It’s easy to make overnight oats a balanced breakfast. Ideally, you want your breakfast to contain all three of the following macronutrients:

  1. Carbs - high in fiber is best; this will fill you up and provide you with energy

  2. Protein - to help keep you full until your next meal or snack

  3. Fat - aim for mostly the healthy kind (unsaturated)

This recipe contains all 3 of the above. The oats and applesauce are carbs (the oats contain fiber, though applesauce is usually pretty low in fiber). The oats, nuts or nut butter, and milk (depending on the variety) provide protein; many non-dairy varieties of milk are very low in protein, however. Fat can be found in the chia seeds, nuts or nut butter, and milk (again, the amount will vary depending on the variety).


Applesauce Chia Overnight Oats


  • 1/2 cup oats (gluten-free, if needed)
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2-3/4 cup milk (non-dairy, if needed)
  • For serving, 1-2 tbsp natural nut butter or chopped nuts


  1. Add all ingredients to a mason jar and stir to combine.
  2. Cover and stick in the fridge overnight or for up to 5 days.
  3. Remove from the fridge and stir. Add a splash more milk if the mixture looks too dry for your liking.
  4. Stir in nut butter or top with chopped nuts and enjoy right away!

Overnight oats are a quick way to meal prep breakfast for the week. Adding nutritious ingredients can make this a filling and delicious breakfast. What are your favorite things to add to overnight oats?


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