Nutrition, Healthy Eating, Recipes Kaitlin Mueller Nutrition, Healthy Eating, Recipes Kaitlin Mueller

Smoothies for Weight Gain

If you struggle to keep weight on or are just trying to gain weight in a healthy way then today’s post is for you. Though we more commonly hear about people wanting to lose weight, there are plenty of people that struggle to keep weight on. Smoothies are a great way to pack in the calories (and a perfect way to cool down this summer!), so today I’ll share my favorite high-calorie smoothie additions, plus some simple recipes.

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Kaitlin Mueller Kaitlin Mueller

Making the Milk Switch for 1-Year-Olds

Having a 1-year-old means it’s time to introduce your child to cow’s milk! Today, I’ll share when to make the switch to cow’s milk and how much to offer your child each day, as well as what to do if your child doesn’t like cow’s milk and alternatives if your child has a cow’s milk allergy or intolerance.

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Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

How Much Protein Do I Actually Need to Eat?

There is a lot of talk about protein these days and many of you are probably wondering if you are eating enough protein, especially if you are an active person. In today’s post, I’ll review what protein does in the body and how much of it you should eat based on your age and activity level. I’ll also discuss protein supplements and what to watch out for if you choose to add them to your diet.

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Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

Diets 101: The Carnivore Diet

As you probably know, there are numerous diets that promise weight loss or a variety of other health benefits. The Carnivore Diet is one you may or may not have heard of, but its name tells it all. Read on to find out what the Carnivore Diet is, what foods it includes and excludes, and the pros and cons to following this diet.

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Healthy Eating, Recipes, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Healthy Eating, Recipes, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

Instant Pot Black Beans

Black beans are an easy and affordable way to include more protein and fiber in your diet. Though canned varieties are convenient, cooking dry beans is also pretty easy. In today’s post, I’ll share the health benefits of black beans, reasons for soaking or not soaking dry black beans, my recipe for cooking them in an Instant Pot, and how I like to eat black beans.

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Healthy Eating, Nutrition, Recipes Kaitlin Mueller Healthy Eating, Nutrition, Recipes Kaitlin Mueller

Healthy After School Snacks for Kids

Kids need plenty of healthy food to fuel their active days. They also have smaller stomachs than adults so benefit from eating several smaller meals and snacks throughout the day. Though chips and candy may taste good, they aren’t the best snacks for anyone, especially growing kids. In today’s post I’ll share some easy, healthy, and tasty snack ideas for after school, or anytime of day, that your kids are sure to love.

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Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

6 Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Baby

Once your baby starts eating solid foods, it’s exciting to introduce them to new things. While most foods are safe for your baby to eat, there are a few things that should wait until your baby is a little older. Even potentially allergenic foods can be introduced to your baby around 6 months old. Keep reading to find out some of the foods to be cautious of when feeding your baby solid foods.

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Nutrition, Recipes, Healthy Eating Kaitlin Mueller Nutrition, Recipes, Healthy Eating Kaitlin Mueller

4 Vegetables to Try This Spring

Spring is finally here! Often it’s still cold and rainy here in the Pacific Northwest, but this week has been beautiful and actually feels spring-like. The warmer weather is making me want to eat more springy foods as well. In today’s post, I’ll share 4 vegetables that are in-season (or will be soon), the health benefits of each, and how to prepare and eat them.

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