Healthy After School Snacks for Kids

Kids need plenty of healthy food to fuel their active days. They also have smaller stomachs than adults so benefit from eating several smaller meals and snacks throughout the day. Though chips and candy may taste good, they aren’t the best snacks for anyone, especially growing kids. In today’s post I’ll share some easy, healthy, and tasty snack ideas for after school, or anytime of day, that your kids are sure to love.


When to snack

Many kids may need 2-4 snacks per day. For school-age kids, lunch timing often determines if they need a morning snack to tide them over to lunch. If your child’s school allows it, be sure to pack a healthy snack for your child to eat before or after lunch. Kids are often hungry when they get home from school so this is a great time to offer a good snack so your child can make it until dinner.

I recommend offering snacks 2-3 hours after a meal. It is important to not allow your child to graze all day, however as then they will not be hungry for meals. Offering meals and snacks at consistent times throughout the day is helpful.


What makes up a healthy snack

Snacks shouldn’t be a full meal, but should include protein, fiber, and healthy fat. This combination will help fill your child up and get them to the next meal. For example, eating a bag of potato chips will give your child fat (and not the healthy kind), but not much protein or fiber so your child will likely be hungry again soon after.

Alternatively, if you offer apple slices with peanut butter, the snack will contain protein (in the peanut butter), fiber (in the apple and the peanut butter), and healthy fat (in the peanut butter). This is sure to be a much more filling snack that will fuel your child until their next meal.


Favorite healthy snack ideas


This list offers just a few of the many healthy snack ideas out there. Try to find at least a few that your child enjoys and rotate through those. Remember that offering a snack with protein, fiber, and healthy fat will keep your child full longer. What are your child’s favorite healthy snacks?


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