What is Diabetes?
Over the last two weeks, my posts have focused on the importance of carbs as part of a healthy diet. But can you eat carbs if you have diabetes? YES, you can! I’ll talk more about managing diabetes with a healthy diet in the next few weeks, but today I’m going to discuss what diabetes is, how it’s diagnosed, and complications that can occur in uncontrolled or undiagnosed diabetes.
Simple vs. Complex Carbs - What’s the Difference?
Welcome back for another post all about carbs! If you haven’t already read last week’s post, be sure to check it out to learn about what carbs are and why they are an important part of a healthy diet. Carbs are in so many different foods, so today I’ll differentiate between which ones are healthy and which ones are less healthy. I’ll also clarify what to look for on nutrition labels and clear up common misconceptions about gluten-free grains.
Carbohydrates 101
Carbohydrates, or carbs, are found in a wide variety of foods. Carbs are often thought of as “bad,” but they are an important part of all diets. Over the next few weeks, I’ll share all that I know about carbs and why they are so good for us despite some of the fad diets out there. Today I’ll focus on why we need carbs, why they are important, what to look for on nutrition labels, and what foods to find them in.
Spring Into Fresh Veggies!
Spring is officially here and that means a lot of fresh veggies! I love eating produce that’s in season because it tends to be less expensive and tastes better. It’s also better for the environment if you shop for local produce because it doesn’t have to travel as far to get to your plate. Read on to find out what’s currently in season in the Portland area as well as the health benefits and my favorite ways to eat these veggies.
How to Make a Balanced Meal
It’s already March and that means it’s National Nutrition Month! This year’s theme is “Personalize Your Plate”. What does it mean to personalize your plate? Eating plans aren’t just a one-size-fits-all kind of thing, so you have to do what works best for you. In today’s post, I’ll share the components of a balanced meal as well as some tips that can make creating balanced meals easier.
10 Staples I Keep in My Freezer
Do you ever wonder what foods you should keep in your freezer? I personally like to keep mine stocked so I can easily pull something out to make a last-minute meal. Read on to find out what my 10 freezer staples are!
Healthy Fats That Are Good for Your Heart!
Last but not least in this month’s posts on heart health, this week’s post is all about heart-healthy unsaturated fats! If you haven’t already read my previous posts about trans fats and saturated fats, check them out first. Fats are filling and delicious, so they shouldn’t be avoided! Today, I’ll share common food sources of unsaturated fats and the latest recommendations for how much and what types you should eat for heart health.
Saturated Fat and Heart Health
Last week I talked about trans fat and its effect on heart health; this week I’ll share what I know about saturated fat! The research around saturated fat and heart health has been a long-debated topic. Today I’ll discuss the most up-to-date research about saturated fat and whether or not it’s something you need to be careful of to keep your heart healthy. Plus I’ll tell you in which foods you can find it!
Why You Should Avoid Trans Fats for Heart Health
Welcome back for week two of my heart-healthy eating tips! February is American Heart Month so we’re talking all about the best and worst foods for your heart. This week I’ll tell you what trans fats are, list common food sources of them, and help you navigate confusing nutrition labels. Read on to learn more!
Jumpstart Your Way to a Healthy Heart
Did you know February is American Heart Month? It’s the perfect time to work on changing your diet and increasing your activity level to make sure your heart is in tip-top shape! Today, I’ll share ways to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, both of which are important in keeping your heart healthy. In the coming weeks, get ready to learn about all the different types of fats and which ones are the healthiest for your heart.