Spring Into Fresh Veggies!

Spring is officially here and that means a lot of fresh veggies! I love eating produce that’s in season because it tends to be less expensive and tastes better. It’s also better for the environment if you shop for local produce because it doesn’t have to travel as far to get to your plate. Read on to find out what’s currently in season in the Portland area as well as the health benefits and my favorite ways to eat these veggies.

Radishes, garlic, red and white onions, and bok choy

Radishes, garlic, red and white onions, and bok choy


What’s in season?

Here are just a few of my favorite veggies that are currently in season:


Health benefits

These vegetables are packed with important vitamins and minerals; more colorful vegetables are more nutrient-dense than less colorful ones. Aim to “eat the rainbow” every week! Here are a few of the stand-out nutrients contained in the seasonal spring veggies listed above:


Eating purple veggies, such as purple sprouting broccoli, beets, cabbage, purple kale, or purple carrots, is an excellent way to add a little more color to your plate! Purple foods contain an antioxidant called anthocyanin, which may help improve cardiovascular and brain health and protect against certain cancers.


Potassium is important for regulating blood pressure. Elevated blood pressure leads to a higher risk of heart attack or stroke, so consuming foods high in potassium, such as potatoes, bok choy, and fennel is important. A higher potassium intake may also improve bone health.


You’ve likely heard of probiotics, which are the good bacteria in your digestive system. But have you heard of prebiotics? Prebiotics are just as important as probiotics because they feed the good bacteria in your gut. Garlic and onion are two great examples of prebiotics and are easy to add to almost any dish you cook.

Green onions and fennel

Green onions and fennel


My favorite ways to eat spring veggies

There are plenty of ways to incorporate these veggies into your diet. Here are some of my favorite cooking methods and recipes:

  • Make soup - try this delicious creamy white bean and fennel soup.

  • Make a stir fry - this recipe uses cabbage, carrots, and green onion; bok choy would also be good in here.

  • Roast your veggies - try this recipe if you’re looking for another way to cook with fennel or use my recipe for roasting any veggies you have on-hand.

  • Top your salad with sliced radishes, carrots, or chopped green onion for an extra kick of flavor.

  • Add kale or other seasonal greens to your salad, stir fry, or smoothie.

Try roasting purple sprouted broccoli - just drizzle with avocado oil and a bit of salt & pepper.

Try roasting purple sprouted broccoli - just drizzle with avocado oil and a bit of salt & pepper.


There are so many colorful and delicious veggies out there, especially this time of year. What are your favorite veggies that are in season right now? I’d love for you to leave a comment below!


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