What To Do With Your End-of-Summer Harvest

If you have a garden, August and September mean it’s harvest time! If you’re like me, you may be wondering what to do with all your produce, especially all of those tomatoes. Last week I shared my homemade tomato sauce recipe and today I’ll share some other easy ways to make sure nothing in your harvest goes to waste.


What’s in-season?

Some veggies that you’ll find abundant in your garden or at farmer’s markets right now include:

  • Cabbage

  • Carrots

  • Cauliflower

  • Corn

  • Cucumber

  • Eggplant

  • Herbs, such as basil, rosemary, oregano, and parsley

  • Leafy greens, such as lettuce, kale, chard, and spinach

  • Onion

  • Tomatoes

  • Zucchini

Many of these seasonal veggies are delicious raw in salads or dipped into dips, but there are a lot of ways to enjoy these vegetables cooked as well. Keep reading for delicious ways to use any of your seasonal veggies!



I love the crunch that cabbage gives to dishes. Some ways that I like to use cabbage are:



Carrots are something I always try to keep on hand because they’re used in so many of my favorite dishes. To add carrots to your meals, try:



Cauliflower is a highly versatile veggie that has become a lower-carb substitute for flour in things like pizza crust, pasta, and bread. Some recipes that use cauliflower are:



I personally like corn straight off the cob, but there are plenty of ways to incorporate it into your meals. Corn is also easy to freeze either on or off the cob. Some of my favorite recipes containing corn include:



Unfortunately, my cucumbers didn’t do great this year, but usually cucumber plants produce more than I know what to do with! If you are stuck with too many cucumbers, here are some ways to use them:



The deep purple color of eggplant means it is packed with antioxidants, which are important for overall health. Eggplant can be a challenging vegetable to cook with, but there are plenty of ways to make it taste good:



Fresh herbs are a great way to add flavor to your meals. Freezing herbs is helpful and allows you to save them for use during the winter months! Fresh herbs can be used in almost any recipe, but some of my favorites include:


Leafy greens

Chard, spinach, collards, and more are abundant this time of year. Greens can be eaten raw in salads, but also added to pretty much any dish. Try adding them to smoothies or mixing them into soups or stews, or sauteing them into scrambled eggs.



Adding onion to almost any dish is a great way to make food more flavorful. I like roasting onion with bell pepper and zucchini for vegetarian tacos. Or I’ll add it to a baked egg dish.



If you’ve ever had a tomato plant, you know that come August and September you’ll end up with more tomatoes than you know what to do with. There are so many ways to use your tomatoes if you get tired of just adding them raw to salads and sandwiches. Some recipes to try include:



And last but not least, zucchini! Zucchini is another one of those crops that can produce a lot. I like to saute, steam, or roast zucchini and eat it plain. Some other more exciting ways to eat zucchini include:


As you can see there are numerous ways to use up the veggies you’ve grown without letting them go to waste. What are your favorite ways to eat your end-of-summer harvest?


Can You Eat 30 Different Plant Foods in a Week?


Easy Homemade Tomato Sauce Recipe