Healthy Eating, Recipes, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Healthy Eating, Recipes, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

Instant Pot Black Beans

Black beans are an easy and affordable way to include more protein and fiber in your diet. Though canned varieties are convenient, cooking dry beans is also pretty easy. In today’s post, I’ll share the health benefits of black beans, reasons for soaking or not soaking dry black beans, my recipe for cooking them in an Instant Pot, and how I like to eat black beans.

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Nutrition, Healthy Eating Kaitlin Mueller Nutrition, Healthy Eating Kaitlin Mueller

Instant Pot Pinto Beans

February is American Heart Month. One heart-healthy food that is often overlooked is pinto beans. Pinto beans are a nutrition powerhouse and an easy addition to any diet. In today’s post, I’ll discuss the health benefits of pinto beans, the pros and cons of canned vs dried pinto beans, and share an easy Instant Pot recipe for cooking dry beans.

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Healthy Eating, Recipes, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Healthy Eating, Recipes, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

Delicata Squash Taco Recipe

I love tacos and would probably eat them every day if I could. Tacos are quick and easy to throw together and they are so delicious. Similar to my sweet potato nacho recipe, today’s recipe is a healthy version of tacos. Tacos can be packed with lots of salt and fat, but did you know that you can use winter squash, such as delicata squash, as a taco filling instead of meat? Keep reading for my delicata squash taco recipe!

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Nutrition, Healthy Eating Kaitlin Mueller Nutrition, Healthy Eating Kaitlin Mueller

Don’t Be Salty! How to Handle a Low Sodium Diet

Sodium is something you’ve likely heard about, especially if you have high blood pressure. Sodium naturally occurs in some foods but is also added to many foods in the form of salt. I briefly mentioned sodium in last week’s post about healthy restaurant eating, so today I’ll talk more about the function of sodium in the diet (yes, we do need some!), recommendations for intake, main food sources, and how to make your food taste great without adding a bunch of salt.

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Nutrition, Healthy Eating Kaitlin Mueller Nutrition, Healthy Eating Kaitlin Mueller

Healthy Fats That Are Good for Your Heart!

Last but not least in this month’s posts on heart health, this week’s post is all about heart-healthy unsaturated fats! If you haven’t already read my previous posts about trans fats and saturated fats, check them out first. Fats are filling and delicious, so they shouldn’t be avoided! Today, I’ll share common food sources of unsaturated fats and the latest recommendations for how much and what types you should eat for heart health.

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Nutrition, Healthy Eating Kaitlin Mueller Nutrition, Healthy Eating Kaitlin Mueller

Saturated Fat and Heart Health

Last week I talked about trans fat and its effect on heart health; this week I’ll share what I know about saturated fat! The research around saturated fat and heart health has been a long-debated topic. Today I’ll discuss the most up-to-date research about saturated fat and whether or not it’s something you need to be careful of to keep your heart healthy. Plus I’ll tell you in which foods you can find it!

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Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

Jumpstart Your Way to a Healthy Heart

Did you know February is American Heart Month? It’s the perfect time to work on changing your diet and increasing your activity level to make sure your heart is in tip-top shape! Today, I’ll share ways to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, both of which are important in keeping your heart healthy. In the coming weeks, get ready to learn about all the different types of fats and which ones are the healthiest for your heart.

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