Kaitlin Mueller Kaitlin Mueller

How to Fit in Fitness

We all know that exercise is good for us, but with a busy schedule it can be challenging to fit it into your daily routine. But, guess what? I have great news for you! Did you know that even small exercise sessions throughout the day can be beneficial? Today I’ll discuss the benefits of short exercise sessions and give examples of my favorite ways to be active throughout the day.

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Kaitlin Mueller Kaitlin Mueller

Move Your Way to Better Blood Sugars

November is National Diabetes Month! In past blog posts, I’ve discussed what diabetes is and the best ways to prevent or manage it. Getting to a healthy weight alone can improve blood sugar levels; this can be achieved by making healthy food choices, getting enough sleep, managing stress, and increasing activity levels. Today’s post focuses on recommendations for exercise and why physical activity is so important for managing blood sugars if you have diabetes or are at risk of developing it.

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