How to Fit in Fitness

We all know that exercise is good for us, but with a busy schedule it can be challenging to fit it into your daily routine. But, guess what? I have great news for you! Did you know that even small exercise sessions throughout the day can be beneficial? Today I’ll discuss the benefits of short exercise sessions and give examples of my favorite ways to be active throughout the day.


Why get moving throughout the day?

It is recommended that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week. Though many may reach this goal or even surpass it, it is still far too easy to spend the rest of the week being mostly sedentary.

Between the drive to and from work, sitting at a desk while working or in a classroom, and watching TV or playing video games, it’s no wonder so many people spend the majority of the day sitting. Even just standing up and walking around for a few minutes every hour has been shown to have a positive effect on blood glucose levels.

Some call these short sessions of activity “exercise snacks”, meaning you can break up your daily exercise into 5-10 minute increments rather than doing a longer workout. Studies show that moving around for 30-40 minutes each day can reduce the risk of early death, but this movement doesn’t have to be done all at once. Another study suggests that regular stair climbing can improve oxygen update in otherwise sedentary adults.

Recent research also indicates that 15 minutes of walking after eating each meal can lower blood glucose levels more than 45 minutes of walking done all at once, which is especially helpful for people with diabetes or prediabetes. That’s not to say 45 minutes of walking at one time is not beneficial because it is. However, keep in mind that shorter walks are great as well if this is all you have time for.

Regular activity throughout the day is great for mental health as well. Just a 5-minute walk around the block doing some lunges or pushups can really help clear your head.


Ways to fit fitness into your day

Exercise comes in many forms. To count something as exercise, you ideally want your heart rate elevated. This can include a wide variety of things including traditional exercise but even things you may not think of as exercise. Some examples include:

  • Walk the dog for 5-10 minutes 2-3 times throughout the day

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator

  • Use resistance bands while watching a movie or TV

  • Park your car at the far end of the parking lot

  • Walk around your office or outside while talking on the phone

  • Walk to the restroom furthest from your desk

  • Use a standing desk

  • Do 10 jumping jacks, squats, lunges, and/or pushups several times throughout the day

  • Do a plank challenge alone or with friends, family, or coworkers

Forming new habits is hard, so try using one of these methods to remind you to exercise throughout the day:

  • Use a fitness tracker, as many have reminders for you to stand up and move around each hour

  • Set a timer or alarm on your phone or watch

  • Use an app


As you can see, moving more and sitting less can help prevent chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease; it is also great for your mental health. If a longer session of exercise doesn’t work for you, try shorter “exercise snacks!” What ways do you like to fit exercise into your day?


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