Foods to Boost Your Mood This Winter

It should come as no surprise that dreary winter weather can take a toll on your mood. But did you know that eating certain foods when you’re feeling blue can help boost your mood? Additionally, some foods can actually contribute to or worsen your mood. In today’s post, I’ll share the best foods to eat and to limit to help improve your mood.


Foods to limit or avoid

I always tell my client that no food is off limits, but there are certain foods that should be limited in the diet, not just for overall health benefits, but also to help improve mood. Foods to limit or avoid include:

  • Fried foods - fried chicken and French fries

  • Packaged snack foods - chips and some crackers

  • Refined grains - white bread and sugary cereals

  • Sugar-sweetened drinks - soda and flavored coffee

  • Refined store-bought desserts - donuts, cakes, cookies, and other pastries


Foods to eat more of

The Mediterranean Diet is considered one of the most balanced diets and is recommended by many healthcare professionals for overall health. As shown in the research above, it has been shown to be beneficial for improving mood as well. Essential foods in the Mediterranean Diet include:

  • Whole fruits and vegetables

  • Fatty fish - salmon, sardines, tuna, halibut

  • Whole grains - oats, brown and wild rice, quinoa

  • Beans and lentils

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Healthy fats - avocado, olives, and olive oil

All of the foods listed above can help boost your mood. A diet consisting of more of these whole foods and less of the processed foods listed above is beneficial for many reasons, but especially if you are trying to improve your mental health. Some additional foods that are thought to be helpful for mood include:


As you can see, there are several reasons to eat a well-balanced whole food-based diet. Next time you’re feeling a little down, think about what you have been eating and how you could change that to possibly brighten your mood.


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