6 Easy & Healthy Protein-Packed Snacks

Finding a snack that is filling, healthy, and delicious can be a challenge. Often snacks of chips, crackers, or fruit leave us feeling hungry soon after eating. What is missing from these snacks, you ask? Protein! Ensuring you have protein in your snacks will keep you full longer and help you eat less of foods like chips or crackers, which of course taste delicious, but aren’t as healthy.


1. Apple + natural nut or seed butter

This is one of my all-time favorite snacks. Pairing a fiber-rich apple with natural nut or seed butter (peanut butter is my favorite) is the perfect combination of sweet and crunchy. Because nut and seed butter are high in calories, be sure to stick to a serving of 1-2 tablespoons.


2. Mixed nuts + dried fruit

Making your own trail mix is a fun way to get creative. I like to mix a variety of nuts with raisins or dried mango. Dried fruit is a very concentrated source of sugar, so I’d keep your portion small. You can also add some whole grain cereal or dark chocolate chips to your trail mix!


3. Whole grain toast + avocado + hemp hearts

Topping a slice of whole grain bread (like Dave’s Killer Bread or another variety with lots of nuts and seeds) with 1/4 of a large avocado and some hemp hearts is another one of my favorite snacks. The avocado provides healthy fat and fiber, while the hemp hearts are a good source of protein and healthy fat. I also like to add Everything Bagel seasoning for extra flavor!


4. Cottage cheese + fruit

Though I’m not really a fan of cottage cheese, it’s a protein-packed option that pairs great with chopped fruit such as berries, cantaloupe, or pineapple. The fiber in the fruit makes this is a snack that can last you hours.


5. Whole grain crackers + cheese

I really like Mary’s Gone Crackers because they are made mostly of nuts and seeds, but still taste like crackers. Pairing these with cheese is another great combination that will satisfy cravings for crunchy and salty.


6. Greek yogurt + fruit + chopped nuts or nut butter

Did you know Greek yogurt has more protein than regular yogurt? Plain Greek yogurt may not taste great on its own, but adding fruit and chopped nuts (or a spoonful of nut butter) is a great way to add flavor. You can even try adding a little honey or maple syrup for sweetness. The problem with most flavored yogurts is that they contain way too much sugar, but if you can’t do plain, try Chobani Less Sugar Greek Yogurt.


Making sure that you have protein in your snack can make all the difference in terms of your energy level and how soon you’ll get hungry again. What are your favorite ways to include protein in your snacks?


Better Butters: Walnut Butter


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