Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

Diets 101: The Carnivore Diet

As you probably know, there are numerous diets that promise weight loss or a variety of other health benefits. The Carnivore Diet is one you may or may not have heard of, but its name tells it all. Read on to find out what the Carnivore Diet is, what foods it includes and excludes, and the pros and cons to following this diet.

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Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

Diets 101: Ornish Diet

Last week I highlighted one of the many diets out there, the Volumetrics Diet. For today’s post, I thought I’d discuss another diet called the Ornish Diet. The Ornish Diet was developed in 1977 and is really more of a “lifestyle” than a diet. This post will discuss what the Ornish Diet is and the pros and cons of eating this way.

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Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

Diets 101: Volumetrics Diet

As I’ve shared before, there are numerous popular diets these days. One that you may not be familiar with is called the Volumetrics Diet. More like a healthy eating plan than a diet, the Volumetrics Diet emphasizes whole foods and recommends limiting processed foods. Read on to find out more and to find out if the Volumetrics Diet is right for you.

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Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

Diets 101: Ultra-Low-Fat Diet

Today’s post is another in my Diet Series. As I’ve mentioned before, there are numerous diets out there, and a lot of confusion around whether or not they are good options. Today, I’ll discuss the ultra-low-fat diet, which is a bit controversial. Keep reading to find out more!

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Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

Diets 101: Paleo

You may have heard of the paleo diet but wonder what it is. Basically, the idea behind a paleo diet is that you are eating foods common during the Paleolithic Era thousands of years ago. In today’s post, I’ll discuss which foods are allowed and not allowed in a paleo diet as well as the pros and cons of following this type of eating pattern.

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Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

Diets 101: Vegan

Happy New Year! Last week’s blog post focused on different types of vegetarian diets. Another way of eating that is even more restrictive than a vegetarian diet is a vegan diet. Today I’ll discuss which foods can and cannot be consumed on a vegan diet, plus share some of my favorite vegan recipes.

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Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

Diets 101: Vegetarian

Welcome back for another post in my Diet Series! Today I’m focusing on the vegetarian diet. Many people avoid eating meat for various reasons. Though it may be challenging to give up meat, there are several great alternatives these days. Read on to learn about the different types of vegetarian diets, the health benefits, how to ensure you are eating a balanced diet, and the financial and environmental benefits.

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Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

Diets 101: Ketogenic Diet

As I’ve shared in past blog posts, there are so many diets out there, I often have difficulty keeping track! The ketogenic diet, or keto, as it’s often called, is quite popular and has actually been around since the 1920s. Today I’ll share the history of the keto diet, what is involved when following a keto diet as well as the pros and cons.

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Healthy Eating Kaitlin Mueller Healthy Eating Kaitlin Mueller

Diets 101: Flexitarian Diet

Have you heard good things about eating a vegetarian diet but think it would be too hard to give up meat? Then try the Flexitarian diet! One of the great things about the Flexitarian diet is that it’s not a super strict eating plan that you have to follow, but rather a way of eating that can be modified to your liking. Today I’ll discuss what the Flexitarian diet is and the pros and cons of eating this way.

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