Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

Gestational Diabetes: Postpartum Care

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is increasingly common in pregnancy. GDM is diabetes that occurs during pregnancy and then resolves after delivery. A new study shows that the rate of GDM increased by 30% from 2016 to 2020. Even though GDM typically resolves after delivery, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes down the road is as high as 60%; therefore, taking steps to keep yourself healthy is important. In today’s post, I’ll share tips for staying healthy after pregnancy to help you prevent type 2 diabetes.

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Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

Gestational Diabetes: What to Do About a High Fasting Blood Sugar

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is diabetes that develops in pregnancy. It can often be managed with lifestyle changes such as increasing exercise and eating fewer carbohydrates. For more information about what gestational diabetes is, check out one of my previous blog posts. Today I’m going to focus specifically on how to lower morning blood sugar levels with lifestyle changes.

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Kaitlin Mueller Kaitlin Mueller

Move Your Way to Better Blood Sugars

November is National Diabetes Month! In past blog posts, I’ve discussed what diabetes is and the best ways to prevent or manage it. Getting to a healthy weight alone can improve blood sugar levels; this can be achieved by making healthy food choices, getting enough sleep, managing stress, and increasing activity levels. Today’s post focuses on recommendations for exercise and why physical activity is so important for managing blood sugars if you have diabetes or are at risk of developing it.

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Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

What is Gestational Diabetes and How to Manage It

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is diabetes that occurs in pregnancy. Though it may be scary to hear that you’ve been diagnosed with GDM, it is common and very manageable, often with just diet and exercise. Today I’ll talk about what GDM is and how to manage it so that you can have a healthy pregnancy and prevent the development of type 2 diabetes in the future.

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Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

How to Manage Diabetes

Eating when you have diabetes may seem like a chore; you may feel like there is nothing you can eat, but this isn’t true! Eating your favorite foods is still possible even if you have diabetes. Today I’ll discuss methods for managing diabetes, focusing mainly on making the right food choices.

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Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

Diabetes Prevention - What to Do if You Have Been Diagnosed With Prediabetes

You may have heard the term “prediabetes” and are wondering exactly what it means. Last week, I discussed what diabetes is and that, unfortunately, you can’t get rid of diabetes once you have it. But, the good news is that you can get rid of prediabetes with lifestyle changes! Today I’ll go into more detail about what prediabetes is and how you can prevent type 2 diabetes.

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Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller Healthy Eating, Nutrition Kaitlin Mueller

What is Diabetes?

Over the last two weeks, my posts have focused on the importance of carbs as part of a healthy diet. But can you eat carbs if you have diabetes? YES, you can! I’ll talk more about managing diabetes with a healthy diet in the next few weeks, but today I’m going to discuss what diabetes is, how it’s diagnosed, and complications that can occur in uncontrolled or undiagnosed diabetes.

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