How to Eat Healthy on the 4th of July

It’s officially summer, which means many get-togethers, barbecues, and potlucks with family and friends, but there’s no need for these get-togethers to completely derail your healthy eating. In today’s post, I’ll share my top tips for healthy 4th of July eating plus some of my favorite go-to recipes I like to bring to summer get-togethers.


8 tips to eat healthy this 4th of July

  1. Eat a snack before you go to an event so you aren’t starving by the time you arrive.

  2. Limit or avoid sugary drinks and instead stick to water or sparkling water.

  3. Avoid standing next to the appetizer table as this can make it tempting to mindlessly graze.

  4. Survey all the food available before making your choices, then choose only your absolute favorites!

  5. Aim to fill half your plate with vegetables.

  6. Choose a small portion of each item, then wait at least 15-20 minutes after finishing your plate before going back for seconds.

  7. Try to do something active after eating, such as throwing a football or frisbee around.

  8. Enjoy desserts or treats in moderation!

  9. Get back to your usual healthy eating the following day.


Healthy potluck recipes

Here are a few of my favorite summer potluck recipes:


Nobody wants to completely forgo their favorite foods on the 4th of July, but try incorporating just a few of the above tips for a healthier day. What are your favorite healthy Fourth of July recipes?


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