National Nutrition Month: Fuel for the Future

It’s March and that means it’s National Nutrition Month! This year’s theme is “Fuel for the Future” and focuses on sustainable and tasty ways to enjoy food. Today’s post will break down some of the key ways that you can still enjoy your food but in a more sustainable way.


Shop for the environment

Thinking about the environment when choosing foods and planning meals is important and can help us be more sustainable. Some ideas that can help you with this include:

  • Buy foods with less packaging:

    • Purchase whole fruit and vegetables and chop them yourself rather than buying them pre-chopped in plastic containers or bags

    • Bring your own produce bags to the grocery store

    • Shop the bulk bins and use your own cloth bags for things like flour, oats, and nuts

  • Buy foods that are in season and shop at farmers markets when possible


Eat for the environment

Plant-based foods tend to be better for the environment. You don’t have to completely give up meat by going vegan or vegetarian, but aiming to eat more plant-based meals can help the environment and save you money. Even just 1-2 meatless meals per week can make a difference. Shopping locally or growing your own produce outside or in containers inside your home is a fun way to encourage more plant-based eating for your family.

Food waste

Reducing the amount of food you throw in the trash is better for the environment and saves you money. Check out two of my past blog posts for more information about reducing food waste.


Enjoy your food

Sustainable eating doesn’t mean boring food. There are plenty of ways to make your food taste great. Try eating a variety of colorful foods each week to ensure your diet is well-balanced. Use spices and herbs and lots of garlic and onion to flavor your foods. Choosing foods with less packaging means more whole foods which are better for you than most processed foods. Learning new ways to cook and spending time in the kitchen is a great way to make your food taste good.


Eating sustainably doesn’t have to be difficult. Try choosing just one thing you’ll do differently to start with and build from there. Perhaps you’ll decide to start using reusable produce bags at the grocery store so you don’t have to use plastic ones each time you shop. Or maybe you’ll convince your family to eat two meatless dinners each week. Whatever you choose to do, know that you’re helping the environment and improving your health. Be sure to check out more information about National Nutrition Month here!


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