9 Tips to Manage Stress Eating

Stress is almost impossible to avoid. Some of us eat more when stressed and don’t always make the healthiest choices. Today’s post is aimed at helping you deal with stress so that you can avoid stress eating. Keep reading for my top 9 tips to help you prevent stress eating!


1. Make sure you’re actually hungry

Sometimes stress, boredom, or just habit can cause us to think we are hungry. If you take a few seconds to step back and think about whether or not you are actually hungry before you eat, it may help you make a healthier decision.


2. Keep tempting foods out of the house…

Are the cookies on the counter staring at you and daring you to eat them? If so, then get them out of the house! Sure, you can still go to the store and get cookies anytime you want, but you’ll be much less likely to make the extra effort if they aren’t already in the house.


3. …and healthy snacks on-hand

Keeping chopped fruits and veggies ready to go in the fridge can make it easier to choose the healthy option when you want a snack. Other good options include nuts, seeds, whole grain crackers, hummus, and string cheese.


4. Track your food intake

Writing down everything you eat can help you be more accountable to yourself. There’s no need to get too strict with this, but if you have a general idea of the foods you are eating each day, it can help you see where you may want to make some changes.


5. Don’t deprive yourself

Depriving yourself of your favorite foods can often make you crave them even more. Instead, find ways to include your favorites in moderation so you are less likely to overeat. It’s so important to be able to enjoy the food you eat!


6. Exercise

Exercise releases feel-good endorphins, which naturally can help reduce stress levels. Walking, biking, hiking, swimming, or any other type of exercise you enjoy can often provide the distraction you need and help reduce stress levels.


7. Try stress-relieving techniques

Yoga, meditation, and deep breathing are great ways to reduce stress. When you are stressed, you are much more likely to make less healthy food choices. Reducing stress can make it easier to make healthy choices and prevent overeating!


8. Get support from friends or family

Asking a friend or family member to provide you with support can help you find ways other than food to deal with stress. Instead of turning to food first, try calling a friend or family member to discuss what is on your mind.


9. Get professional support

Sometimes, stress warrants professional counseling. It’s worth checking with your employer or health insurance to find out about mental health benefits. This is a great resource for finding a therapist near you. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help!


One final and very important thing to remember is: don’t feel guilty if you do end up stress eating! Instead, think about ways to better handle the situation next time. We all have stressors in our lives but hopefully these 9 tips will help you better manage that stress.


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