3 Ways to Start Off The New Year Right!

I can’t believe 2021 is coming to an end. Many of you may be thinking of New Year’s resolutions as 2022 approaches. Today I’ll discuss 3 things to keep in mind if you’d like to work on improving your health through healthy foods and an active lifestyle. Hopefully this will motivate you to get working on goals to improve your health! Also, be sure to check out my previous post about setting SMART goals.


Make a plan

Making a plan, no matter how big or small, is essential when you want to make a change. Whether your plan involves starting a new exercise routine or cooking more at home, coming up with ideas for how you will execute that plan can be very helpful. Think about what it is you want to accomplish and what you’ll need to do to get there. Some ways to start planning are:

  • Come up with a list of healthy new foods you would like to try.

  • Think about what you would like to eat for the week and write your ideas down. It may be helpful to start with just one meal for the week, like breakfast. Next week I will share an easy meal prep breakfast recipe to start you out!

  • Use a calendar to write down which days of each week you plan to exercise. Having it written in your calendar will make it easier to stick with and actually complete your plan!


Get support

It can be challenging to get a change going on your own. I recommend enlisting the help of a friend or family member to help you get on track. For instance, if your goal is to exercise four days a week, find a friend who will exercise with you. If you’d like to eat out less and cook more meals at home, ask a family member to help you plan meals and accompany you to the grocery store. Even just talking with someone, whether a friend, family member or coworker, can help you stay motivated.


Start small

Changing everything at once is next to impossible. Instead, focus on one small change that you’d like to make and build from there to help you get to a larger goal. For example, rather than setting a goal to walk for 30 minutes every day next week, start with a 10-minute walk on two days next week. This is a much more achievable goal and if you reach it you can increase it to three days the next week or go up to a 15-minute walk.


I hope this has given you some ideas so that you can start your New Year off on the right foot. Planning ahead, making sure you have support, and starting small are great ways to improve your chances of getting to where you want to be. If you’re ready to make changes for a healthier lifestyle, check out my services page and together we’ll come up with a plan that works for you. Happy New Year and be sure to come back in 2022 for more healthy lifestyle posts!


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